7 April 2010
Last night I met with thirty residents of the beautiful village of Charlcote. We discussed how the Conservative Party can make Great Britain great again, and how I can help improve the lives of Stratfordians. I was unsurprised to find that we all agreed that the country stands at an important crossroads. We can either keep Gordon Brown and his wasteful Labour government in power, who will continue to spend our hard-earned money without generating additional value. Or we can elect a Conservative Government that will spend wisely and effectively. We have some hard choices to make, and we cannot afford to keep a party in power that has made such destructive decisions. Everyone was also pleased to hear that as a party we are prepared to tackle immigration, another issue at the forefront of everyone's minds. Labour's reckless policies of the past 13 years means that five cities the size of Birmingham will need to be built to accommodate the growing population. This is costly and detrimental and I will make sure that it is stopped. Only people who enhance our economy, invest in our infrastructures or bring vital skills should be allowed in to our great nation. Lastly, I told the residents of Charlcote, that as a Conservative Member of Parliament I will restore our pensions. The Labour Government has robbed people of the pensions they deserve, and I will work hard to pass laws that increase their value. The concerned residents that I spoke to last night understand these issues and believe it is time for change and I pledge that if elected I will work hard to implement the policies and vision that these people have rightfully demanded.